What we treat
Dance Related Injuries
Our physical therapist was a dancer herself with a personal background in ballet, jazz, tap, modern, hip-hop, and contemporary. She specializes in Dance Physical Therapy. She understands the dancer body, how it operates, and wants to get you back to doing what you love.
Low back pain
Very common orthopedic problem in our day and age. This condition is very treatable with time and patience.
Neck pain
Also a very common orthopedic problem, especially in our age of technology. Treatable through customized care.
Headaches come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but our therapist is skilled to evaluate where your headache may be stemming from and can provide the right care to resolve it.
Upper extremities
Anything from the shoulder down would fall under this category. Oftentimes, injuries among the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand come from overuse and repetitive motions. Either from our daily life activities or sports-related injuries. In addition, the cervical spine can contribute to the root cause of upper extremity injury.
Lower extremities
Similarly to the category of upper extremities, injury of the lower extremity can either stem from the lumbar spine and/or can be due to overuse and repetitive motions. Conditions involving the hip, knee, and ankle joints are common and very treatable.
Gait & Balance disorders
How we walk and stay vertical is essential in quality of life. Balance is comprised of three systems: vision, awareness of the position and movement of the body, and vestibular system located in the inner ear. Making sure all three systems are strong help to improve balance.
There are multiple root causes of vertigo. A common cause is called BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Our therapist uses positional techniques to help alleviate unpleasant symptoms of vertigo.
Sports Related Injuries
Our therapist has vast experience working with athletes of all levels. She has knowledge and experience in getting you back to the sport you love.